Awards, Accolades, and Certifications
Marine Contracting Corporation is apart of ISNetworld.

ISNetworld brings together Hiring Clients and Contractors, creating safer work environments and lasting partnerships. ISN streamlines the process of maintaining safety, insurance, quality and regulatory information on contractors. Hiring clients submit a list of safety, insurance, and regulatory standards and ISN will find the contractor meeting these standards.

Spring 2014 Signal Newsletter "Soundings"

Marine Contracting Leadership Day and Safety Meet Marine Contracting Corporation has been a Signal Member since 1995

On March 17, 2014, Marine Contracting Corporation of Virginia Beach conducted its annual Safety Meeting with all employees. The event included management, supervisors, and all field personnel. Marine Contracting is committed to providing a safe working environment for all of its employees and uses this annual event to bring all the employees together. It is important to Marine Contracting that they reinforce the importance for everyone to “Arrive Home Alive.” This year’s meeting was conducted by James Sammons, Assistant Vice President with Signal Safety Resources. James always provides an engaging, interactive presentation. This discussion focused on the overall attitude toward safety.

The framework was based on a case study of a previous accident where the end result was a product of many failures and not a single act. As with most accidents, the example proved how it could have easily been prevented by several people leading up to the occurrence. It was a sobering presentation to reinforce the responsibility everyone has for doing things the right way.

The meeting also was a forum to talk about the past year’s projects and what Marine Contracting have coming up this year. It allowed the employees to catch up with each other in a relaxed environment and enjoy not being out in the cold, rainy weather. The meeting concluded with pizza for lunch and a renewed feeling of pride for our company and the people who work hard every day to make it a success.

Marine Contracting is proud to be a longtime member of Signal Mutual and appreciates the support and assistance that is provided in ensuring that everyone “Arrive Home Alive.” Marine Contracting Corporation was proud to be presented with the Signal Marine Construction Industry Leader Safety Award during their annual companywide safety meeting.

Submitted by Ms. Mary W. “Molly” Ford Controller,
Marine Contracting Corporation Marine

Signal Mutual Perfect Record Safety Award 2012-2013

Dear Mr. Larson,

Congratulations! It is our pleasure to present your company with the enclosed certificate, "Perfect Record Award", signifying your accomplishment of zero claims in the Signal Mutual 2012-2013 Membership Year.

Your outstanding safety performance is not only a credit to your company, but to the whole Signal Mutual family of companies. It is through the dedication to safety by companies like yours that employees are kept safe while work and return home to their families each day.

Your commitment to safety is one of the reasons Signal Mutual has been successful for over 28 years. We wish you a continued safe and prosperous 2014.

Larry R. Toepper, CSP, ARM
Vice President, Safety
Signal administration, Inc.

Autumn 2013 Signal Newsletter "Soundings"


Marine Contracting Corporation has been a Member of Signal Mutual since 1995 For some folks at Marine Contracting Corporation, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, being part of the new Mid-Town Tunnel project is a déjà vu experience rather than a new construction experience. Earl Haden (Chief Estimator) and Bob Thompson (General Superintendent), who established Marine Contracting Corporation in 1979, both took part in construction of the first tunnel, which was completed in 1962. The original tunnel, linking Portsmouth and Norfolk, in southeastern Virginia, has been in continuous use since its opening. But the region, and the volume of traffic, has grown considerably since then. Fifty-one years later, a second tube is being constructed adjacent to the first, and Marine Contracting Corporation, with Bob and Earl, are again there to help make it happen. Asked what the differences are between the new project and the original, the first answer from either man is, “it costs a lot more.” While the original tunnel was built for several million dollars, the price tag on the new one is a couple of billion dollars. The new tunnel is scheduled to open in 2016.

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